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Poppy Flower

FAQs About Our Preschool

Answers You Need

Do children need to be potty trained?

No. Children do not need to be potty trained to attend Little Poppy's Preschool. There are rules that must be followed if your child is potty training. If your child is potty training they must wear a pull up until teachers decide they have done well with no accidents for 2 straight weeks at school, and are telling teachers when they need to go potty

Do Children have lunch at school?

Children do not have lunch at school. All children are provided a morning snack everyday.

Do Children get to go outside?

Yes! We have a playground that is completely fenced in and a large covered play area that we will always utilize weather permitting. We will often have snack outside and get our wiggles out. 

Are you open in the summer?

Preschool is not open in July and August. We do have Little Poppy's camp in July that is an optional extracurricular.

What if my child has a food allergy?

If your child has a food allergy we ask that parents provide their own snacks to prevent any sort of emergency.

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